Tuesday, September 21, 2010

1. Crush

After reading Dan Rhodes' Anthropology, I am inspired (truly!) to do the same - write multiple short fiction stories, each based on a single word. I shall start on one tonight, as follows.

I saw my crush today. It amazes me how one person can illicit such a strong response on another.

"Coffee please."

I was cool. I was calm. I was collected. But alas, my traitorous heart continues to pound against my ribcage like a wronged prisoner.

"That'll be $3.50."

A quick, mandatory smile one puts on when serving customers.

My heart was relentless. Could he hear it? It was deafening, that treacherous muscle.

I pass him the money with barely steady hands, my eyes yearning to seek contact with his but were too cowardly to do so.

An internal war rages until my coffee arrives. In a moment of wild recklessness I chance a glimpse, and the smile I saw will haunt me like a malicious spirit cheated of its last wish.


A rumbling baritone, that sexy beast. He leans across the counter and steals a kiss from a girl that wasn't me.

The sudden scald on my tongue from a vicious swig of coffee was nothing compared to my aching heart.

Hmm. There. Speaking of crushes:

Teehee bye bye Kim Hyun Joong.

p.s leave me a nice word for the next story?