Saturday, March 10, 2012


I know you all probably think I'm a nua sai who doesn't like the outdoors...and you are right. Mostly.

Actually I think camps can be quite fun, if they involve less people (showering naked in front of strange girls, no thanks) and the rest were all hot (ahem. Although I suppose this disqualifies me.)

I am suddenly talking about camps because if I get into a uni obviously I have to go to their orientation camp if I don't want to eat lunch by myself for 4 years.

I'm ok with not wearing make-up (really) - I just don't like wearing specs because they are ugly and uncomfortable. Anyway I'm more worried my face will grow an army of pimples and I will be so ugly no one will eat lunch with me all the same.

Also, I have come up with a camp look:

Even with careful positioning of the laptop I cannot make myself look flattering. Tragic. Also I suggest you do away with the poker face if you want to make some friends.

I figured a high ponytail will help me achieve the "sporty sunshine girl" (HAHAHA who am I kidding) look but apparently I look like Xiia0 Mandeezxzxzx all over again with the wispy ends:


This was me when I was 15 and have not yet undergone any orthodontic treatment. I seem to have a strong inclination to put up terrible pictures of myself tonight. Let me put up a few more for good measure (and entertainment purposes).


Then bangs became the "in" thing so I rid myself of the emo image and went for it instead. The hairstyles weren't the worst thing. What was worse was that I actually thought I looked good in them HAHAHAHA #delusional 

Honestly.... I think the last picture's not that bad.... right? Excuse me, someone said I looked half Thai in it.

Ok I am digressing. But since I have already digressed, I might as well continue doing so, because I have just found scans of my old drawings:

So talented *flips hair

What if I told you the main point of this post was to show you my drawings, but I talked about camps first so I don't look like I'm showing off?

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