Monday, June 15, 2009

Another chain mail

For the last time: Can stupid people stop sending me chain mails?

I just saw this in my inbox:

BOYCOTT ALL AMERICA'S AND ISRAEL'S PRODUCTS - MC'D, Kentucky fried chicken, Tesco, Colgate, Starbucks.... We contribute money for them to buy bullets for killing the Palestinien (Muslims and Christians).

Boycott all America's product? What are you going to do now, check religiously for every product you are going to buy and not buy it if it's made in America? Not eat KFC for the rest of your life?

You think by not eating that oily piece fried chicken the soldiers will stop their brutality?
You think not drinking that cup of Java Chip (Grande with dollops of whipped cream and chocolate sauce yum) will save the children?

The only thing you will save is your money and the size of your thighs, okay?

Another paragraph:

These IDF soldiers have faces.... I can cleary see them... Can't you? Why are they not being prosecuted? Because it is systematic processes that is driven by the government designed to force the people of Palastine into exile so Israel can claim all the land and resources.

There you have it.

" is systematic processes that is driven by the government..."

What big shot are you to influence the government? I sympathise, but I cannot do anything about it. I don't think you can, too.

Pass it on please? What do you get from passing it on? A shitload of sympathetic but powerless people who can do no shit and a handful of irritated people like me.

Don't come and bullshit me. If you want to, throw all the American products in your house away before you do.

And seriously, go do your homework, then talking about saving the world to someone who actually wants to listen.

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