Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Es Muss Sein

Today we did The Unbearable Lightness of Being in class. I think what resonated most with me was the negation of the concept of en muss sein - it must be - in the novel.

I used to (still do?) think that everyone I have ever met was because it must be - and it could not have been otherwise. I did not think that it was attributed to chance or fortuity. Sometimes I marvel that I know the people I know, because of the chain of causes leading up to these meetings seem so tenuous in retrospect. But isn't it fate (so cheesy...) when things happen the way they do, despite an infinite number of possibilities that could have run its course instead? Or is it really just chance that a particular chain of events unfold?

Or perhaps we are living the it-has-been-otherwise without realizing it. Sobering thought.


I'm thinking of reviving this space, but I don't have much content. A lot of blogs seem to make outfit posts their main content. I think if I make my bf (or bae, as they call it nowadays -_-) take a picture of my outfit every time we meet he might bring me to Pulau Ubin and come back by himself. But honestly, besides the lack of content, I have come to - not despise, exactly, but I cannot find a better word for it - my own writing.

I was so discouraged by the results of my academic writing when I first entered university that I stopped writing here (I averaged a B-). My sentences, besides being unable to express my ideas, were flat, ineloquent, and sterile (unfortunately they still are). I thought that was the nature of academic writing, until I read some stuff that a particular professor wrote, and that stuff was just... exquisite.
All I can say is... p o o t. This is the extent of my eloquence.

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